Thursday 16 January 2014

52 weeks of public health research, part 2

Posted by Jean Adams

Thanks for all the positive feedback on 52 weeks of public health research, part 1. Here's part 2:

Ski touring in the French Alps with the most enthusiastic guide ever. When I was a teenager, outdoor adventures were considered totally legitimate transferable and leadership skills development. Should have remembered that when developing my NIHR leadership training programme ;) 

Happy non-Nestle surprise left by a nice person on my desk on the first day back at work after 3 weeks off.

Decided over the holidays (for no particular reason) not to drink quite so much coffee. Lost my resolve after 2 hours back in the office. Probably need more effective goal setting, action planning, coping planning etc.

A trip to Teesside for a Fuse Communications Group meeting.


Just to remind you:

Each Thursday of 2014 we’ll try and post around four pictures on the Fuse blog that capture our weeks in public health research, from the awe-inspiring to the everyday and mundane. Given that more of the latter than the former exists in my life, I foresee problems compiling 208 images worth posting on my own. So this is going to have to be a group project. Send me an image (or images) with a sentence or two describing what aspect of your week in public health research they sum up and I’ll post them as soon as I can. You don’t have to send four together – we can mix and match images from different people in the same week.

Normal rules apply: images you made yourself are best; if you use someone else’s image please check you’re allowed to first; if anyone’s identifiable in an image, make sure they’re happy for it to be posted; nothing rude; nothing that breaks research confidentiality etc.

Also, this doesn’t mean we wont also be posting words. You word-based posts are, as always, much appreciated.

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